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He’s ALIVE! (My POST-Halloween, awaking from a coma, etc, Post.)

Oh, the slings and arrows (all self-shot*) of my outrageous fortune…I lift a listless paw, backhanded, to my deeply furrowed brow (can everyone see the furrowed brow?) and beseech my non-existent reader (almost made the plural, with an “s” —?!?hah!) to express sighing lamentations of sincere pity…oh, woe is me that I have not been able to post more frequently…my eyes beseech the heavens while askance leering around for some sympathetic whimper (did I hear it? NO? oh well…)


Whew, now that THAT is over with, and many promises of more frequent posting made to self and credulous reader…I will slog onward…against all reason, against all odds, bleakly courageous…etc. Oh, the noble Curmudgeon…


Well…AS I was (or, rather, am only now giving myself a chance to) saying, there are some things that need to be addressed:


1)   Why do we care, if a thing tastes good, WHY it tastes good or why it tastes different than other things in its category that also taste good? What difference does it make, if it does; and to how many of us DOES it make a difference? (Obviously, in this case/platform, we’re talking about coffee.)


2)   Why do people brew coffee so weakly? There is actually some pretty good coffee out there today…why can’t I think of anywhere to send someone who wants a really strong, delicious, thick, can’t-see-the-sun-through-it, cut-it-with-a-knife cup of coffee? (And I have already asked why everyone is roasting so monotonously light these days…light roasts are great, as part of a mix, but drinking lightly roasted coffee all the time is like living in a monastery…in all those ways and more.)


3)   What is up with all the coffee descriptions? I pleaded for years that we develop a descriptive language for coffee rivaling that of the one that has evolved for wine. That language now appears on coffee labels and sometimes on coffee websites, especially but is anyone paying attention and does the verbiage make sense to anyone that is reading it? My anecdotal experience (factual to me, at least) suggests that no one really gets it; they are comforted to read that a coffee has many illustrious attributes in flavor (AND provenance) but none of it is resonating.


THESE will be the topics of my next three (or four)posts (he said to challenge himself).  Any ideas to fold into them will be much appreciated (that would be from YOU, oh noble Reader).


*But that would not, in this case, equate with friendly fire.

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